1. Thou shalt never use a speakerphone while ordering pizza. I can't hear you, and you'll just get pissed off. Save us both some trouble.
2. Thou shalt leave the room if your kids are screaming. I can't hear you, and you can't hear me. Bellowing into the phone at your kids is a stupid thing to do.
3. Thou shalt say thy phone number slowly and enunciate.
"Yeah. My number is six eight seven eigsevnien."
"Can you repeat that?"
"Six eiven eigsevnien."
"One more time please?"
*sigh* "six ... eight ... seven ... eighty ... sevien."
"Was that 687-8017."
"NO!!!!!!! Why can't you understand? It's not that hard! 6... 8...7... 8... 0... 7... 9...
"It's loud in the store, and if we can't understand your phone number, we'll just give you a generic phone number and write in your name. Usually wrong. You'll come to pick up your pizza, and we can't find it because you couldn't be bothered to slow down when you're talking.
4. When you come in to pick up your pizza, it could be under several names, usually not your last name. Last names are hard to spell, so it's usually your first name. Sometimes it's under something close, don't get pissed off at us. Spelling it doesn't help, as it is over the phone and we have other things to get to, like the next phone call or the customer that doesn't want to wait.
5. Thou shalt have patience. It's not the person at the front counter's fault if there's something wrong with your pizza. Don't yell at them please.
6. Be nice to the managers. It will get you more than being an asshole ever will. We're more willing to give the nice guy free stuff than the guy that sits and bitches at us. In fact, we'll do everything we can to not give the assholes frees stuff.
7. If there's a problem, let the right people know. Be nice about it. We understand being frustrated, but it's usually not just you that has a problem in one night.
8. Yes, we do have retards working for us. We do our best to not let it interfere with your pizza.
9. No, I'm not going to read off the entire menu to you. Go online if you have no clue what you want. The entire menu is up there, and you won't be wasting my time.
10. Know your address before you call in. Most annoying thing in the world is to ask a customer for their address, then to hear them bellow "hey, what's the address here?". Just get it written down before hand.
11. Telling me what you ordered won't help me find it faster. It will just make me hate you more. Telling me your name usually helps. If you gave us the right phone number, that helps a lot more. I can't look up your order by using what you ordered or your name. I can look it up from your phone number, and that's it.
12. Actually wait for your order to be repeated for you. Don't call in and say "I want a pepperoni pizza and I want it delivered to my house at 999 somewhere street. *click*". You do this, and all I do is move on to the next call. If you call back wondering where your pizza is, answer is, you didn't order a pizza, you screwed yourself over.
13. Staring at us from the counter won't make your pizza come faster, it just annoys us.
14. Thou shalt tip thy driver. Doesn't have to be much. It's usually only a 10% tip. They get paid below minimum wage when they're out on deliveries. The drivers have a list of houses they won't deliver to because the owners never tip them.
Yes, all of these have happened to me. At least twice in the last week alone. Be nice to your pizza guys.
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