Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Engaged Learning- My "ah-ha" moment about my education.

I'm a senior in college, almost done with my Bachelor's of Science in Business Management. This week has been the very first week where I'm not watching the clock during class, and when class is over all I can say is "I want more time!".

For the first time in my entire life, I had a class that was too short, and that I didn't want to end. Don't get me wrong, I have had many interesting classes that I enjoyed going to. Classes that I loved learning about. But during class, ultimately I was just there to fill a seat until it was over.

The big difference this semester? It's going to sound really simple, but it is an amazing difference.

I read the chapter before class.
I turn my phone and tablet off during class.
I participate in group discussions.
I do all of the questions at the end of the chapter.

Yeah. It's that simple. All you have to do is make the effort to be part of your education, and not just get an education.

Class went from only taking copious amounts of notes and stressing over every little thing, to taking a few notes and learning a whole lot more. I'm not worried about any quizzes or tests now. I finally figured this out.

I may do a post on how I read textbooks, a modified version of what my AP Bio teacher tried to get us to do in High School, but that's for later.

And now, in resounding UVU fashion, a complete lack of school spirit, I bid you ado.

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