Not much has happened at all in the last few weeks, just school, work, puppies, and more work. Teddy Beast is loving his new job, and the challenges it actually gives him. It's a nice change to have him coming home happy from work. It's not like we see each other that often, but it's nice that he isn't always angry and frustrated. Funny how when you live together you see each other even less than when you live apart.
The paleo diet has been off and on for the last month, due to lack of planning or lack of time overall. It is a hard diet to maintain because there aren't many quick options. If you don't plan ahead or plan at all, you're just planning to fail. But towards the end, my body was begging to just go back to Paleo. I just feel better. It all makes sense though. In just my immediate family there are allergies to all of the following; corn, dairy, wheat, soy, peanuts, and nitrates. Paleo just makes sense. I feel better and don't have a mid afternoon slump anymore. Really, it's an easy diet if you plan ahead.
Anywho, I have homework to get back to! I'll just leave you with a picture of our vicious killer puppy that attacks the socks with a vengeance.
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